Monday, November 20, 2006

My day...

was a rather uneventful day. I worked long overnight shifts (12-14 hours) since Thursday. Getting home this morning at 7:45 was such a relief. I fed the creatures, changed into my pjs, and collapsed on the couch. Now, admittedly, my job is not tough. There are stressful moments though, and sitting for that long is a little wearying. I watched a little tv and ended up falling asleep watching The Muppet Movie (yeah, I'm a kid at heart). Amazingly enough, I was dead to the world until 3. I think I was concious for about an hour and then passed out again. When I woke up at 6, I felt kind of guilty. Who really sleeps all day? I couldn't do that, so I got up and got dressed.

Hopefully this will be a memory starting in December. My schedule is changing (yay!), but because of the nature of my job, I still won't be working days. Someday soon....

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