Saturday, November 18, 2006

I wanna be like Mike...

Well no, not really, but it seemd a fitting sentiment. I was inspired to start my own blog by a captivating woman I have met here on [a different site]. Her humor and intelligence have nudged the Cather in me and want to take another stab at this. Also, another one of my wonderful friends has encouraged me to write after I typed this as an answer to "if you could be any crayon, what color would you be?" Blue and slightly melted into the carpet. Creative nuggets like this occasionally slip out of my coiled, confused, and twisted brain and lay themselves upon the auditory nerve of any who will listen. Sadly, I feel it does not happen often enough, only when I'm alone. Kind of like the answer to the eternal question "If a lone tree makes a joke in the woods, is it funny?".

So. I am here to amuse, entertain, rant, pontificate, obfuscate, and just plain discombobulate those lucky few than run across this literary amalgamated thing of malaproprious indecency.

{previously posted on 11-10-06}

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