Saturday, November 18, 2006

A cold and rainy morning...

...can be very dampening on the spirits when you are inside, looking out the window. It looks dreary and miserable and just... depressing. But when I walked out onto the patio this morning to feed the always ravenous wild birds, it seemed anything but. There was a freshness to the air that only a rain can bring about. Crisp and clean, despite living in the city. With a hint of mischeviousness, though I'm not sure what its up to. Will it snow? No, the sky doesn't have that "about to dump 4 feet of snow on your unsuspecting head" look to it. Will it continue to rain and then freeze, turning everything it touches to slippery glass? Alas, I do not know. I took one final lungful of that invigorating stuff and went back in. Looking out, I once again see the drear.

What a difference a pane of glass makes.

{previously posted 11-13-06}

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