Saturday, November 18, 2006

I slept until noon...

like I do sometimes. I was up until 2am perusing personals, checking my email, and just plain losing my mind. Something happens to me really early in the morning that just makes me nutty. This could be a bad thing, considering that I work third shift once or twice a week! But anyway. I went to bed at about 2:30 after watching MASH, yet again. When I woke up, I was confused- I'm not used to sleeping for this long. During the week, I'm lucky if I can get in 4 hours of zzz's. How strange the body works. Though, my Circadian rhythm is so screwed up right now b/c of work, I think it said "screw this, lady, I'm leaving". *sigh*

I have much to do today. Have to go out to my sisters to get the carpet cleaner as the carpet in the living room attracts dirt like a nekkid blonde attracts men on a street corner. Also have to run to wal-mart for some cereal- I'm starving! Well all evidence to the contrary, but I am rather famished.

Off into the crazy world, out and about, I do my deeds. Will I come home victiorious? .... probably, and then I'll be bored. hehehehe.

{previously posted on 11-11-06}

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