Saturday, November 18, 2006

Just not feeling it.

I've been trying to think of an entertaining blog post for the last few days and have had no creative flashes. I had one at work the other day, but it ran away from me, darnit. Yes, I know, creativity is not to be forced- it is a bitter mistress (well aren't most women?).

I enjoy putting creative bits up here though. I enjoy thinking that somone will read them and smile, maybe laugh, or finally realize that I am completely out of my mind (hey, someone has to find out sooner or later!). Its my way of grabbing a little attention for myself, like the pictures I have posted in my [personals] profile. Its a way of saying "pay attention to me me dammit, I'm lonely". Well, I'm not really lonely, but you get the point.

For those loyal few who check me out every day (I know there are a few of you), I hope this pleases you. I'm off to take a shower and go to Target.

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