Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Free-floating loneliness

I was struck by an overwhelming feeling of loneliness today. As a friend texted me “I wish you were here” and listening to some romantic cd… it was overwhelming. He wishes I was there for sexual reasons; I want someone to text me that because they miss me for romantic reasons. Its been said that the harder one looks for love, the farther away it gets. At this point, my love must be in Guatemala by now. Its also been said that feeling sorry for yourself and not liking yourself won’t help you find love. This is true. But I like myself as much as the next person- attractive, witty, intelligent for the most part.

Perhaps that’s the problem. Perhaps I’m not looking in the right places. Perhaps I’m looking in the right places but picking the wrong guys. There is no easy answer, no instruction manual. There is no teacher to turn to for help, other than experience.

Anyone have any thoughts?



As I mentioned before (I think) it happens to fall into your lap when you least expect it.

Just keep smiling!

Anonymous said...

hey butthead drop me a line keebie @ ieatbrains.com