Tuesday, July 22, 2008


For those that know me, you know my job involves a lot of down time. In the times between calls from people who really should have been exterminated before birth, there are a few sites that I habitually peruse. They are:

www.wfrv.com (gotta stay on top of the local headlines and the days comics)
www.usatoday.com and/or www.cbsnews.com (gotta stay on top of who's killing who)
http://www.farmfreshiowa.blogspot.com/ (a little preachy at times, but the author's girls are adorable and hilarious)
http://www.crochetville.org (like crack for your crochet hooks)

and these two sites: http://ihasahotdog.com and http://icanhascheezburger.com/
The captions are just absolutely priceless. The two posts below are examples of whats on the sites. These two sites are what keep me from going postal and stabbing someone in the temple with a blue ball-point pen.

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